Well I am just mom of the year over here, no big deal, ok just kidding. A month ago everyone was showing their back to school pictures of their kids and I totally missed it. I took them but never did anything with them. I get credit for remembering to take them right? Also can we talk about these little signs my kids are holding, you can get them here, but I about bawled like a little baby because they go all the way up to last day of college, that just got my head going all over the place I mean that feels like tomorrow. Also props to anyone that can keep and/or remember where they put these signs from the time a kid starts preschool to graduating college.
This was one of those years where I was sad to see my kids go back to school. We had a lot of fun this summer and I just feel like it wasn’t long enough. They weren’t ready to go back either but they got a little more excited when we went to open house to drop off all the supplies.
But let’s talk about what has happened since school started a month ago – going on WEEKS of some sort of sickness……I mean come on, we have had nasty colds and some sort of stomach virus that brought me to my knees, literally! Let’s hope we are just getting this out of the way early and we will be better off the rest of the year. Right, a mom can only hope!