Why blogging….I’m so happy you asked! It has taken me years (no exaggeration) to get a blog up and going for various reasons. Why so long? I am shy by nature, I always have been so I don’t volunteer a lot of information to anyone about my life or my “crafts”. Hitting the publish button is terrifying but I am at that point of not caring anymore. It is more like well if they want to know they can sure come to my blog and find out! I know I need to break out of my shell but I will probably always revert to being an introvert. I find that now that my kids want to go and do ALL THE THINGS it is forcing me be more social and that is a good thing!
I wanted a way to share my passion of making things, specifically out of yarn, but I do like other “crafty” things. I am attempting to make a bit of an income off of things I make, I mean there probably isn’t any 6 figure income in my future off my makings but a little monetary backing for something I love to do would be nice.
Before Blogging
Let’s touch on the first thing a bit more, I quit my job 2 years ago and that left me with even less of a social life. Now don’t get me wrong I didn’t love all my co-workers but there were quite a few that I was able to have an adult conversation with and that was nice. I worked a “job” (staying at home is a job…trust me) since I was 14 years old with my driver’s permit.
After I had kids it was hard to leave for work in the morning knowing I wouldn’t see them until at night and then it would only be for a couple hours until they had to go to bed. And those couple hours included me having to fix dinner and do regular adult tasks in order for our life to not be chaos. I spent more of my day with people at work than my own family.
I was fortunate enough to have family watch my kids while my husband and I worked which was simply a Godsend. Also my husband was a champ, he got them all up and out the door every morning on time! After our third baby was born it was getting more difficult to manage all of them while trying to keep a farming operation going, and that is when decisions were made for me to stay home….HALLELUJAH!
Now I am two years into this staying home gig and I don’t have this sh*t figured out in the least. I am used to a schedule with meetings all day that start and end at a specific time, etc…..I haven’t found a schedule that works for us yet and I am not sure I ever will. Not having a schedule has been the hardest thing for me to let go because I like to be organized. I am a checklist, planner, and will basically succumb to any organizational anything.
To finish up this long winded post you can find a lot of things about me here in the future. Fitness, family, fashion, food (all things that start with “f” apparently) and of course my love for making things! If you made it to the end of this post give yourself a pat on the back or high five yourself! Thanks for reading!