Etsy Shop is Open!

Etsy Shop is Open!

Well I finally did it, I launched an Etsy shop! There are a whopping 3 listings up but hoping to fill it up in the coming months with finished items and patterns as well! I can’t wait! You can find it here and on the main menu of my website.

Let’s talk about pricing. It feels like it needs to be addressed because I’ll be honest, when I used to look for handmade things I always used to get the initial feeling that they were overpriced. That was until I made the decision to sell finished products. Guys it isn’t always “cheaper” to make things yourself, I know this first hand. So I am going to break it down for a better understanding.


You can’t make something out of nothing, right? Well you have to have materials to make the end product. Whatever materials are used is what gets passed on to the consumer. For example if I buy an entire skein of yarn I would only pass on what I used to make the product.


Now I don’t volunteer my time to make these items. Most of you out there either earn a salary or hourly wage. The same goes for makers, it takes time to make these items from minutes to hours (or days/years tbh)!

Additional Expenses

This would be the packaging/shipping materials to get the product out the door. Think of mailers or boxes so that your product can make it to your home undamaged.

Etsy Fees

Etsy charges fees for listings and also gets a percentage of what is sold. I do not pass this onto the consumer in my price point. It was my choice to sell on Etsy, not you, so to me it doesn’t make sense for you to pay for it. I could set up my own site someday to not have to pay listing fees but that isn’t a right fit for me right now……but I would love to get to that point someday!

I hope that makes sense to everyone and is helpful to understand my pricing strategy for my products in my Etsy shop. If you have any questions you can either email me or drop it in the comments below.

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